Scores Are Dumb

August 02, 2022 Renoir

Ingress agents started scoring cycle 2022.30 today and were greeted with a surprise. Either the rules have changed, and the score no longer includes fields thrown before the cycle, or some bug has screwed up the cycle score globally.

It’s classic Niantic. Two checkpoints and zero communication.

Update 1 (17:20 UTC): Niantic has communicated twice with the community since Ingress agents reported issues with the 2022.30 cycle score:

  • thia wants everybody to know that the NL1331X badge ticks from Munich have been pushed
  • Level 8 Day is coming!

Both are important things, and I’m confident that’s why these announcements have superseded anything about a core scoring component having been dramatically changed, or there’s a bug.

Update 2 (21:00 UTC): Niantic has remained silent on this issue for three checkpoints (that’s ten hours if you are training Pokemon). Confused Ingress agents are torn between congratulating Niantic for this brave change to the game mechanics or terminating their CORE subscriptions.